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Data Privacy

This web page includes slides and other material related to my book (and courses based on the content of the book):
  • V. Torra (2022) Guide to data privacy: Models, Technologies, Solutions. Springer. Link to Springer

Other slides related to courses and seminars related to data privacy (including code with examples) can be found here.
Python software for masking methods (e.g. microaggregation, Mondrian, noise addition, SVD-based masking), disclosure risk and information loss measures can be found here: http://www.mdai.cat/code/
Responsible ML Winter School slides. Long introduction to data privacy here.
Book slides:
Slides roughly corresponding to the content of the book, and used in PhD and master courses.
The course:
Course given in Linköping in 2010
Old slides corresponding to the book: V. Torra (2017) Data Privacy: Foundations, New Developments and the Big Data Challenge, Springer.