The 11th International Conference on Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence 人にやさしい人工知能のための意思決定モデルの 構築に関する第 11 回国際会議 (MDAI 2014) Tokyo, Japan October 29 - 31, 2014 |
DEADLINE USB: May 15th, 2014 |
General information: | One full registration will cover at most two published papers. Each additional paper needs an additional fee (equivalent to a student fee). The full fee includes coffee breaks, lunch, gala dinner and a copy of the proceedings. Student registration includes a copy of the proceedings but it does not include the gala dinner.
Registration (new v03): | The registration form can be downloaded here (pdf version here).
Grants: | The UNESCO Chair in Data Privacy offers economic support to offset some of the costs associated with attending MDAI 2014 for participants coming from "transition" countries, which are regions other than USA, Canada, Western Europe, New Zealand, Australia, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea. Preference is given to student authors, and authors of accepted papers. If you are eligible, please contact the conference office (e-mail:
IIIA - Institut d'Investigació en Intel·ligència Artificial