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The 7th International Conference on
Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence

Perpignan, French Catalonia, France, October 27 - 29, 2010
Submission deadline (EXTENDED):
April 9, 2010


Wednesday, 27th October:

    11:00 - 13:00 Registration (Room: Salle du Grand Large)

    11:30 - 12:30 Lunch time

    13:00 Opening Session

    • Marc Daumas, General Chair, MDAI 2010
    • Vicenç Torra, Program Committee co-chair, MDAI 2010
    • Yasuo Narukawa, Program Committee co-chair, MDAI 2010

    13:30 Plenary Talk (Room: Salle du Grand Large):

    • J. Domingo (U. Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Catalonia), Chair: V. Torra
      User privacy in web search

    14:30 Parallel A: Computational Intelligence I (Room "Salle du Levant") Chair: S. Miyamoto

    • Gallbladder Segmentation in 2-D Ultrasound Images using Deformable Contour Methods
      M. Ciecholewski
    • Pattern Mining on Stars with FP-Growth
      A. Silva, C. Antunes
    • Non-hierarchical Clustering of Decision Tables toward Rough Set-based Group Decision Aid
      M. Inuiguchi, R. Enomoto, Y. Kusunoki
    • An Enhanced Framework Of Subjective Logic For Semantic Document Analysis
      S. Manna, B. Sumudu. U. Mendis, T. Gedeon

    14:30 Parallel B: Aggregation Operators I (Room "Salle du Couchant") Chair: S. Grieu

    • Measuring the Influence of the k-th Largest Variable on Functions over the Unit Hypercube
      J.-L. Marichal, P. Mathonet
    • Measuring the Interactions among Variables of Functions over the Unit Hypercube
      J.-L. Marichal, P. Mathonet
    • Weighted quasi-arithmetic means and the conditional expectations
      Y. Yoshida
    • Modelling group decision making problems in changeable conditions
      I. J. Perez, S. Alonso, F. J. Cabrerizo, E. Herrera-Viedma

    16:00 Coffee Break

    16:20 Parallel A: Data Privacy I (Room "Salle du Levant") Chair: A. Valls

    • Towards semantic microaggregation of categorical data for confidential documents
      D. Abril, G. Navarro-Arribas, V. Torra
    • Rational Privacy Disclosure in Social Networks
      J. Domingo-Ferrer
    • A Misleading Attack against Semi-supervised Learning for Intrusion Detection
      F. Zhu, J. Long, W. Zhao, Z. Cai

    16:20 Parallel B: Aggregation Operators II (Room "Salle du Couchant") Chair: A. Honda

    • Individual Opinions-based Judgment Aggregation Procedures
      F. Benamara, S. Kaci, G. Pigozzi
    • Aggregation of bounded fuzzy natural number-valued multisets
      J. Casasnovas, J. V. Riera
    • Managing Information Fusion with Formal Concept Analysis
      Z. Assaghir, M. Kaytoue, A. Napoli, H. Prade
    • A difference in the Shapley values between marginal and cumulative approaches on restricted domains
      K. Fujimoto

    17:40 Adjourn

    20:00 Banquet at Grand Hotel - les Flamants Roses

    Note: We will have a bus leaving from the Hotel du Port at 19:45

Thursday, 28th October:

    9:00 Clustering (Room "Salle du Levant") Chair: Y. Yoshida

    • Indefinite Kernel Fuzzy c-Means Clustering Algorithms
      Y. Kanzawa, Y. Endo, S. Miyamoto
    • Algorithms in Sequential Fuzzy Regression Models Based on Least Absolute Deviations
      H. Tang, S. Miyamoto
    • A generalized approach to the suppressed fuzzy c-means algorithm
      L. Szilagyi, S. M. Szilagyi, C. Kiss
    • Semi-supervised Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering Using Clusterwise Tolerance Based Pairwise Constraint
      Y. Hamasuna, Y. Endo, S. Miyamoto

    10:20 Coffee Break

    10:40 Parallel A: Computational Intelligence II (Room "Salle du Levant") Chair: J. Long

    • A Computational Intelligence Based Framework for One-Subsequence-Ahead Forecasting of Nonstationary Time Series
      V. Georgescu
    • Revisiting natural actor-critics with value function approximation
      M. Geist, O. Pietquin
    • A Cost-Continuity Model for Web Search
      D. F. Nettleton, J. Codina
    • A bibliometric index based on collaboration distances